Thursday, September 22, 2011

Animal ears.

Like I said in the last blog that I was going to post some animal ears for you guys if you wanted to take advantage of it.

Here is what you need
cheap headband (you can get them from dollar store, I think they come 3 for a dollar)
felt, construction paper or fabric. how ever you choose to make them.
Pipe cleaners

1. Print out or make your own template
2. Cut 4 of the biggest part of the ear out
3. Cut 2 of the smallest part of the ear.
4. Fold the flaps up. This will give you something to glue onto the headband.
5. Glue the biggest part of the ear together (make sure you do not glue the flaps)w/ 1 pipe cleaner in the middle shaped to the ear and 1/4 of a piece bent like a L to go in the back. This will help hold up the ears.
6. Now glue the little piece inside the big piece.
7. Glue in the desired spots on the headband.

Now this is just a very simple pattern. You can go to the limits with this. Use glitter and ribbon. Punch holes and put make sift earrings in them. Where ever your imagination takes you. Have the kids help or just have them do it. This would be fun for them to have a little more control over their own costume. I can post some noses too if you want. Just let me know. Oh and if you think of any other kind of ear you would like just message me and I will draw it up and post it. Like elephant ears or something lol.. Oh brain fart.. You can do a elephant and save your toilet paper and paper towel rolls to use as a trunk.

Have fun


  1. SO CUTE! I'll have to make some for my kids =)

  2. Thank you!! let me know if you want me to draw anything else.. I even have some embroidery patterns that i drew i can send to you.. let me know
